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Web dashboard & smart home integrations
Here you can find information about the web dashboard and integrations
30 articles
Dashboard: Getting startedHow to get started using your web dashboard.
Dashboard: how do the graphs work?Understanding the different views of the web dashboard
Dashboard: updating your locationHow to change your location on the web dashboard
Dashboard: how do I locate past measurements?If I start a new measurement will be current measurement be lost?
Dashboard: exporting raw dataHow to export your historical data, analyze your raw data
Dashboard: how do I change the measurement units displayed on the dashboardFrom Metric to US and vice-versa! Fahrenheit, Celsius, Becquerels, Picocuries
Dashboard: what browser should I use for the Airthings Dashboard?
Dashboard: data storage and privacy
Integrations: IFTTTSet your own thresholds and notifications using IFTTT!
Integrations: HomeyGetting started with the Homey x Airthings integration.
Integrations: Amazon AlexaHow can you use Amazon Alexa with your Airthings monitor?
Integrations: Raspberry PiGithub readers
Integrations: Airthings APILogging in and getting started instructions for the Airthings Consumer API.
Integrations: do you support Apple HomeKit?
Integrations: Google HomeGoogle Home integration with Airthings.
Wave Gen 1 app (Airthings Wave)
For Wave (1st generation) users. Renamed app of Airthings Wave appWave.
Airthings Wave (April 2024 renamed to Wave Gen 1) app will no longer receive updatesAirthings Wave app will not be updated. Users should switch to the new Airthings app by downloading it from their app store.
Wave Gen 1 App: how to enable notifications in the appHow notifications work in the Wave Gen 1 App
Wave Gen 1 app: understanding the layoutWave Gen 1 (formerly Airthings Wave) app navigation explanation
Wave Gen 1 app: does the app sync with monitors using Bluetooth in the background?Wave Gen 1 (formerly Airthings Wave) app background Bluetooth syncing information
Wave Gen 1 app: iOS tracking permissionsWhy is the Wave Gen 1 app (formerly Airthings Wave) asking for permission to track?
Wave Gen 1 app: Android location permissionWhy the Wave Gen 1 (formerly Airthings Wave) Android app requires your location
Wave Gen 1 app: how to access the web dashboardAll about the web dashboard feature found in the Wave Gen 1 (formerly Airthings Wave) app
Wave Gen 1 app: how do I change my measurement units?Switching your measurement units on the Wave Gen 1 (formerly Airthings Wave) app is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Wave Gen 1 app: why does the app have a different "Last Sync" date to the dashboard?Notice a discrepancy between the app and the dashboard?
Wave Gen 1 app: how often will notifications be triggered?How notifications work for Airthings users connected over Bluetooth and Airthings Hub
Wave Gen 1 app: what sensor thresholds trigger notifications?At what levels will I get a notification sent to my Wave Gen 1 (formerly Airthings Wave) app?
Wave Gen 1 app: how do I change my room?Moving your Airthings monitor from one room to another, here's how you rename it in the Wave Gen 1 (formerly Airthings Wave) app
Wave Gen 1 app: how do the graphs reflect the raw radon data?How to understand the graphs and data Wave Gen 1 (formerly Airthings Wave) app
Wave Gen 1 app: updating monitor name, location, and how to start a new measurementUpdating your Wave Gen 1 app on changing monitor location, starting new measurements, and renaming your monitors.
Wave Gen 1: how do the graphs represent the raw radon data?