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Corentium Home
Getting started, FAQs, and troubleshooting for Corentium Home
18 articles
Corentium Home: I still see a 1-day average even after 3 days! Why is that?
Corentium Home: Code 2891 - Not showing short-term averages
Corentium Home: monitor shows 0 readings after a few days of measuring
Corentium Home: error message/error codes
Corentium Home: the display flashes dashes but there are no readings
Corentium Home: what is the MODE button?
Corentium Home: how much area is covered by Corentium Home?
Corentium Home: radon sensor information
Corentium Home: how to start a new measurement or move it to a new location
Corentium Home: can I use the USB port that I see on the Corentium Home?
Corentium Home: I have two devices beside each other and they show different radon values. How is that possible?
Corentium Home: can I generate a report?
Corentium Home: comparing the Home to a professional radon detector