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Corentium Home: how do I export my data and generate a report?
Corentium Home: how do I export my data and generate a report?

Generating a radon report for your Corentium Home monitor.

Updated over a month ago

For those who have performed a measurement with a Corentium Home monitor, Corentium offers a free online reporting solution for those who want to generate a report.

You can find it here:

All you need to have in order to generate a radon report is:

  1. A measurement period of at least 30 (full) days.

    1. For connected monitors (Wave series and View series with radon detectors) only 7 days are required to generate a report at 30 days plus of measuring is still recommended before generating a report.

  2. The serial number (S/N) of your monitor (found on the back your Corentium Home);

  3. The number of days measured (press the MODE button 1 time to get the number of days measured)

  4. The 4-digit code that you can retrieve by clicking on the MODE button for 2 times. This is important: this code is unique and directly related to both the Radon levels you enter in the online form and the length of your measurement. Please make sure to enter this code correctly, otherwise a report cannot be generated.

Once you have entered this information correctly, together with your contact details and the information regarding the building where you performed your measurement, you can quickly generate your report.

The report is generated and available to download as a pdf.

Here is what it looks like, displaying the radon average in pCi/L (picocuries):

If you have any issues you can reach out to us at, or chat with us by clicking the chat widget on the bottom right-hand corner of the website or your app.

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