Want to delete your Airthings account? We're sad to see you go! We'd appreciate your feedback so we can address any concerns or register any feature requests, so please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Success team.
Instructions on how to delete your Airthings account differ between the two apps for Airthings customers.
Airthings app (new) 
Android and iOS customers can delete their accounts by doing the following:
Open the Airthings app
Go to "Settings"
Select "Profile"
Select "Delete account"
Airthings Wave app 
Android users:
To delete your account, please contact Customer Support from the email of your Airthings account stating you would like to delete this account. Our Customer Success representatives will do this for you and confirm when your account has been deleted. To contact Customer Support:
Open the main menu of your Airthings Wave app
Select "Support"
Select "Chat with us"
Alternatively, you can email support@airthings.com or access the Customer Support chat widget from any page on the Airthings website.
iOS users:
To delete your account, do the following:
Open Airthings Wave app
Select "Account"
Select "Delete account" and you will prompted to confirm the action by entering your Airthings account email.