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Forgot to start or end a test, or not sure?

Using the truncate feature

Updated over a month ago

The Pro is Built to Handle Real-World Challenges! 💪🏻

Forgot to start or end a test, or not sure? No worries as the Pro is designed to make recovery simple. There's no need to go back to the client’s location or repeat the test.

This design decision is precisely why the Pro doesn’t have an on/off button. It's ALWAYS ready for these types of situations.

👉🏻 If you can’t connect, we’ll cover this in the next article here.

You might have guessed it, yes, there is an easy solution 🤩

Follow these steps to capture the data and generate a report:

The truncation feature is used to shorten time either at the beginning or the end.

It is optional and would be used in cases where someone would have experienced:

  • Cellular connectivity issues;

  • Problems connecting to the app;

  • Had forgotten to start a test.

If you’re unsure whether the test started or faced any connectivity issues, follow these steps to recover the data and generate your report:

  1. Press the round button for 3 seconds on the side of the Pro and release it. It will beep and flash all three colors for a few seconds, indicating data collection has begun. Once complete, connect to the App.

  2. Once connected to the Pro, you'll see an "Unnamed test in progress" and an "Unnamed dataset" below it.

  3. Locate the dataset and click on "Upgrade Dataset." Here, you can rename the dataset from "Unnamed" and choose the measurement type from the provided dropdown menu.

  4. Enter Building Info and Finalize: Enter the building information and click "Continue."

  5. Verify and Finalize Test: Review the "Measurement Address" (make changes if needed). Then, click "See Details & Finalize." On the next screen, click "Finalize Test" to initiate data upload.

  6. The app will upload the sample data and return you to the main menu.

  7. Locate Your Dataset: Now, select the dataset you might have renamed in step 3 (or the unnamed one if you left it as is).

  8. Generate Your Report: Click on "Generate Report."

  9. Truncate Option in Report Generation Range: Within the "Report Generation Range" section, you'll find the "Truncate HRS FROM START and TRUNCATE HRS FROM THE END " option for specifying the desired data range for your report.

  10. See example below to truncate and create your report with the desired testing time period:

In this example the unit captured roughly 243 hours of data, but we only need the last 48 hours. We will then truncate hours from the START:

  • The start date and time: 9/23/2023 4:46:39pm

  • The end date and time: 10/3/2023 8:46:39pm

We want the last 48 hours, so we would truncate 196 hours from the START to give us a start date and time of 10/1/2023 8:46:39

📌When you enter the amount of hours to remove in the TRUNCATE HRS FROM THE START, the start date will update.

Click Continue and keep going as normal throughout the report generating process. The updated dates will appear in the TEST INFORMATION, HOURLY MEASUREMENT DATA and GRAPHS sections.

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