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Corentium Pro calibration - Canada


Updated over 2 months ago


It is recommended to re-calibrate the Corentium Pro each year.

The service turnaround time is 10 days

Calibration is done by C-NRPP and NRPP Certified Radon Reference Laboratory located in Saskatoon.

  • The Regular Service Fee is $185 CAD per monitor (single device) and $160 CAD per monitor for 3 devices or more.

  • Twice a year, there is a Discounted Calibration Service at $135 CAD per monitor: First business day of March and first business day of September. Your unit(s) must be at the lab at these exact dates. Regular service fee will apply to unit(s) delivered too late.



  • 1-800-263-5803 (option 4) or (306) 975-0566 ext. 225, Brian Bjorndal, Manager of RSIC National Laboratories

  • Ship CRM to: Radiation Safety Institute of Canada, 102 – 110 Research Drive, Saskatoon, SK Canada S7N 3R3


In order to maintain the health of the Corentium Pro, all units memory will be erased. Please follow the instructions below as failure to do so will result in the loss of your datasets.

  • App Users: Prior to sending your Pro for calibration make sure that you have FINALIZED ALL of your datasets that are on the Pro. You will be able to retrieve all reports and datasets that were used with the new app by accessing your Pro Dashboard in the ALL DATASETS section.

  • CRA SW users: Connect to CRA and save all of your datasets one-by-one for if needed later. These are also known as Cor files.

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