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Comparing VOC levels on two or more monitors
Comparing VOC levels on two or more monitors

Comparing, VOC

Updated over 2 years ago

Are you interested in comparing the VOC levels on your monitors? We are here to help.

  • The VOC sensor works by adjusting to a weekly baseline in the environment it is in. For this reason, it is important that the 2 (or more) monitors you are comparing have been in the same place and exposed to the same conditions for at least a week. If you compare monitors that have been in different locations, it is possible that they will behave differently when placed in a side-by-side environment.

  • Due to the fact VOCs are a wide combination of gasses, the concentration will not be the same in every air sample, even if 2 monitors are placed side by side. Sensors also take samples every 5 minutes, so even if there is a few minutes in difference between the sampling times, this will also affect variances in measurements.

Ready to start comparing two or more monitors? Please follow the steps below.

  1. Start a new measurement segment at the same time with the two monitors side by side. (For steps to start a new measurement segment, click here).

  2. Be sure that the monitors are not only in the same location but are also exposed to the same conditions. (For example, if they are in the same room, are they right beside the other, or is one closer to a source of ventilation?)

  3. Let the monitors run side by side for 7-10 days. During this time, the sensors are still calibrating so it is normal to see a deviation between the two. Towards the end of the calibration time, you will start to see the values converge.

  4. Be sure to place them in a generally well-ventilated room. This will help the sensors establish a baseline for 'clean air'.

Please note: The sensor output should only be used as guidance. The levels should not be relied upon for health-critical decisions, and should not be used to detect specific gases. After following the steps above, the two (or more) monitors should be giving you readings that fall into the same threshold. If the levels are in the green, there is more than likely good air flow providing clean air into the area. If the levels get into orange, there is still no need to worry but increasing airflow may get you back into the green. If your VOCs get into the red, we suggest ventilating the room to increase clean air exchange and also trying to find the source of the VOCs (this can be as simple as human presence, cooking, candles, etc.)

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