Adding a logo and or backdrop to a App report

Android App v1.5.0 and iOS App v1.18

Updated over a week ago


image 1

image 2

ADDING A backdrop

You design the backdrop on your computer and the possibilities are endless. You can create:

  • Combination of a Header & Footer – image 4

  • Header alone

  • Footer alone

  • A watermark in the middle of the report

image 3

image 4

Creating the backdrop

To design the backdrop, you may use basic word processing software such as MSWord, Open Office, Pages, etc. The important part is to have a white background and then do a screenshot of it. When creating it, keep image 4 as a reference point since it displays where the text and tables are situated in respect to the backdrop and logo.

Header/Footer Combination, see image 5

Here are the steps:

image 5

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